



老眼鏡のつるがゆがんだので、眼鏡屋さんに行った。「どうかしましたか?根元にひびが入っています」と言われた。「かけたまま、居眠りしたからでしょう」と言うと「気をつけてください。割れるかも知れませんよ」と言われた。 帰るとポストに手紙が入ってい…


ばあちゃんがステイから帰った。「夢の中」で、あ〜あ〜、で、しゃがれ声だった。 近所のおうちにお邪魔した。老人クラブのたまり場のような家なので、今日も2人みえていた。夫妻(おじちゃんと奥さんと呼んでおく)とその2人のおばちゃんで、ばあちゃんを…



Haiku Poetry

Haiku is a seventeen-syllabled poem.I am a beginner.My poems are: 畦 道 に 蒲 公 英 咲 く を 送 信 す(Japanese characters) a ze mi chi ni ta n po po sa ku o sou shi n su (Japanese sounds) A dandelion on a footpath,I will tell you it by a c…

My Hobbies: One of them is Knitting

This is a washing cloth.You can save a detergent by using it.I have made a lot of washing clothes and given them my friends.I have made some sweaters and so on.

“Sakurachan Members” Love Outdoor

Some members of Sakurachan visited my fields to crop sweet-potatoes.My mother doesn’t like to give them potetoes.A guest said,“How big!”Mother said,“Oh,yes!”but her face looks unhappy.Ha-ha! Some of Sakurachan members will visit Hokkaido i…

“Tsudoiba Sakurachan”Is“Maruchan’s Tea Room”

Maruchan is a member of “Nishinomiya Sakura Kai” She has an apartment called“Sakurachan,”and many people visit her room.Families who care for the people with dementia come.Care workers who work at nursing homes and hospitals come. Doctors …

“Nishinomiya Sakura Kai”

It is an association for families who care for people with dementia.Sakura is cherry blossoms,which is the city flower of Nishinomiya and the national flower of Japan.

Mother Is Fighting Against the Weed

Mother goes to the fields and weeds. She used to say, “Weed the fields,or weeds live forever.”But weeds keep the earth from washout.Everything is necessary on the earth.Mother no longer fights.She is half in a dream.

My Diary “Mother Is Fighting!”

I keep a diary on a brog,named“ Mother Is Fighting.” Mother sometimes went across the road without looking right or left.When I said to her,“Look right and left! Cars will come ,and run over you !”she used to say “Leave me alone.Everyone …

My Mother Has Dementia

My mother is 89 years old. She was a farmer and worked very hard with her husband.He died 30 years ago. Mother’s name is Yukie which means ‘happiness.’ She has dementia.Symptoms may include loss of memory difficulty in finding the right wo…

The Doll Festival

March 3rd is the Doll Festival day for girls.These are paper Hina dolls.The left is the Emperor and the right is the Empress. The special class of Yamaguchi Junior High School has eleven students and two teachers.It has a tea ceremony on t…

As An Assistant Teacher

I work at Yamaguchi Junior High School every Tuesday morning.I am an assistant teacher to help children who are weak in learning subjects.I teach them planting some vegetabls in their school garden.They grow strawberries.I sometimes help c…

Kobe Arima Rotary Club Members Visit My House

Members and their families visit my small fields and crop sweet-potatoes.They have a party in my house.It is called Imonikai. Imo is Satoimo,not sweet-potatoes,but taros.Working and playing in the open air give us a great pleasure.

Japan Bear and Forest Association

I am a member of Japan Bear and Forest Association. JBFA aims at maintenance rich forests and animals for the next generation.Please read page 6 and7 . Some Rotary Clubs in Nishinomiya support the JBFA.

Wild Boars

Each year , in a twelve-year circle,has a symbolic animal.They are the twelve signs of the Chinese zodiac. 2007 is the year of wild boar.This picture was painted by Mr.Nobuyoshi Uchida,a Japanese artisit.Wild boars sometimes come to our fi…

My Friends Visit My Fields

My friends visited my bamboo grove with their children.The girls have bamboo shoots. We can eat young bamboo shoots. They live in the city and loves to play in the fields on holidays. This is a big radish.It weighs about 3 kilgrams.It is a…

My Husband

My husband is a member of Kobe Arima Rotary Club.He is a farmer,and I help him.But our farm is very small.We grow rice and some vegetables for my friends and my family.Now onions,strawberries are growing in my fields.We will plant cucumber…

My Diary

My name is Michiko Akasaka.I was born in 1948. I live in Nishinomiya. My family is three. My husband,my mother and I.I have a dog named Poppy.




「家族とプロのまぜこちゃ」に出た。部屋が広すぎた。人が多すぎた。名札が小さすぎた。相手が誰だかわからない人と話すのは難しい。 「家族」に、一人二人三人、脱線傾向の人がいると、プロは対応できなくて、私なんかがフォローしないといけない場面さえあ…




今日は介護者交流会だ。神戸本町までJRで行った。県庁の近くの介護協会会館と書いてある。わからないので県民会館に尋ねに入った。受付で言うと、白地図コピーに赤で線を書いて教えてくださった。親切ね。 そこでプリントを出して見たら、開始は11時だ。間…








犬を連れてとなりへ回覧を持って行き、あわてて帰ろうとして、? 犬を忘れた! となりへは徒歩5分、喫茶店なので駐車場に犬をつないでから入ったのだ。大失敗。犬も、あわてて帰る私を見ても泣かないんだもの。いつも畑につないで待たせているから、慣れっ…


明日、神戸有馬ロータリークラブの例会に、ドイツからお客さまがみえることになっている。私も参加させてもらうことになった。会話が苦手、外国に友達がいないので話す相手がいない。まるちゃんからはいつも「英語の先生だったの!嘘!」と言われている。 会…